Project Description


Non Ablative Laser Skin Rejuvenation at Sacramento Skin and Laser in Carmichael

Fraxel Dual® Laser Skin Rejuvenation Gallery

The art of aesthetic medicine is a continual process. Dr. Kamra and staff are working on providing an array of beautiful transformations. Please check back often as we grow our Before and After Photo Gallery of fantastic results from our vast selection of aesthetic procedures and cosmetic treatments. Enjoy the results of our skin care products.

Non-Ablative Skin Rejuventation

Fraxel ™ DUAL remove years from your appearance. It is the GOLD Standard for non ablative skin rejuvenation.

Fraxel ™ DUAL treatment has FDA clearance for:

  • Mild to moderate wrinkles around the eyes
  • Mild to moderate Acne Scars and Surgical Scars
  • Age Spots/Sunspots
  • Melasma (Irregular patches of brown skin on the forehead, cheeks, upper lip and nose)
  • Actinic Keratosis (Precancerous lesions)
  • Skin Resurfacing
  • Fraxel laser treatment is the premier solution for fractional aesthetic skin resurfacing, delivering remarkable results with minimal downtime. It offers two laser wavelengths including Erbium 1550 and the new wavelength Thulium 1927. This Thulium wavelength targets the superficial layers of skin causing accelerated clearing of pigment in a single treatment setting.
  • With Fraxel restore, one can renew the beauty of the skin through smoother, fresher and younger looking skin. It erases the annoying brown spots, improves tone and texture. It reduces the fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes. The procedure takes about 20-25 minutes for a full face without any downtime. Most people return to routine activities the very next day. Most Men and women feel the most benefit in 3-5 treatments in monthly intervals.

Is FRAXEL Painful?

Topical anesthetic makes the procedure virtually painless. Afterwards, you may experience a mild heat sensation similar to a sunburn, itchiness and dryness in the treated area.

How long does FRAXEL last?

The entire face can be treated in as little as 20 minutes; with results lasting years given proper skin care and sun protection.

Contact us today for a consultation for any of our services.


Monday – Thursday 8:00 – 5:00
Lunch Hour 12:30 – 1:30
Friday 8:00 – 2:00
Lunch Hour None